
Out-Processing Hell

Getting into the military was easy enough. Pass a physical, sign on the dotted line (and this one and this one), and then off to Basic Training.

Getting out of the military though...incredibly harder! You get a list of things to do when you project your last day before any leave your taking right before you get out. All of that stuff has to be done so you can get your orders and they come with another list! This isn't the bad part! The problem comes up when you find out that you have to get another list from this place on the list, and then you're trying to get that list done just so they will sign off on your first list, then part way through that list you find out you have another list! (And on this next list you have to go back to half the places you've already been.) Then you go to the next place and find out that they won't let you outprocess until the day before you actually do your final out (your very last day). But you have to do this place (A), before you can do B, which you have to have done before you can out process you squadron, which has to be done before your final out meeting. SO...you have a few things that can be whenever before hand but the majority of stuff that you have to do has to follow other things and then those can't be done till the end. So you spend the last day or so running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get to as many places as you can in just a few short hours.

Oh I didn't mention that they people you are looking for are never there!


A Sweater for my Sweeties...

So trying to reduce my stress level...

I recently found an adorable sweater that I though would be just perfect for my little angles! I found a pattern called A Cardigan for Merry on a fellow bloggers site. (Thanks goes out to anny purls!) SO I decided to give it a try. I figure the pattern should fit somewhere in between my son and daughter, so I picked a neutral beige color ( I had to resist the urge to buy pink!), and got all my supplies together.

I haven't knit for a long while, but it always seemed soothing while I was doing it in High School.
I learned to knit from a teacher in 10th grade. I finished a red and white stripped hat (that matched our school colors perfectly) and I don't think I've finished a single project since (except maybe the occasional scarf that I kept around working on now and then just to keep my anxious fingers occupied). Always starting them...but never finishing.

Anyways, I used to sit and knit the previously mentioned scarves while I watched tv, while watching movies at school in class, I even was knitting in study hall (which I barely got away with, I used the excuse that it was an art project!)

So now, almost 8 years later, I am returning to my former release. My first attempt at a sweater should be interesting! I'll keep you all updated as I go!

I cast on the sweater last night and have about 2 inches of the back completed now. 6 inches to go until I start working around the arms! I'll post pictures when I get to the next step!

Here Goes Nothing...

I figure with the career move to stay at home mom, I need an outlet! Somewhere where I can spend nap time releasing my thoughts and ideas. Somewhere where go-go and ga-ga, and the non-stop screaming aren't my only daily human interaction. Thus this blog came into existence.

I am a mother of two under 2! Well, Jackson will be 2 in just a few days...& Charlotte (my little Charlie) is nearing the 5 month mark. (You can see the dark circles under my eyes!) I am recently in the process of out-processing the military, I spent the last 4 years serving in the Air Force and the last 2 years (and the 9 or so months before that) desperately wanting to just be able to stay home with my kids. Well, now that day is just over the horizon.

I was recently diagnosed with postpartum depression and began seeing a therapist, but I want to do more that just cry it out every couple weeks. I need to figure out what makes me happy, deep down inside happy! Find out how to relieve my stress and how to deal with the bumps and bruises that I seem to bring upon myself.

So here goes nothing...