
Here Goes Nothing...

I figure with the career move to stay at home mom, I need an outlet! Somewhere where I can spend nap time releasing my thoughts and ideas. Somewhere where go-go and ga-ga, and the non-stop screaming aren't my only daily human interaction. Thus this blog came into existence.

I am a mother of two under 2! Well, Jackson will be 2 in just a few days...& Charlotte (my little Charlie) is nearing the 5 month mark. (You can see the dark circles under my eyes!) I am recently in the process of out-processing the military, I spent the last 4 years serving in the Air Force and the last 2 years (and the 9 or so months before that) desperately wanting to just be able to stay home with my kids. Well, now that day is just over the horizon.

I was recently diagnosed with postpartum depression and began seeing a therapist, but I want to do more that just cry it out every couple weeks. I need to figure out what makes me happy, deep down inside happy! Find out how to relieve my stress and how to deal with the bumps and bruises that I seem to bring upon myself.

So here goes nothing...

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